Welcome! Nuestra Casa Es Su Casa ...Our house is your house

A glimpse into the life of Daniel and Jaynee Lockwood and their 12 precious blessings. Thank you for visiting; we pray that what we share here may always bring glory to our wonderful God and Saviour. May you praise the Lord with us for the great things He has done and continues to do as we serve Him sharing the gospel here in the little town of Cuidad Insurgentes, BCS Mexico. He alone is good and faithful!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I said I would share my story

But sometimes the pages of the story are hard to read and the ending unknown.   I know who the Author is.   And I'm trusting and resting on him. When the days are weary and the long nights dreary I know my Savior cares.   Looking forward to the day I can a story that brings glory to God.   He is so faithful and so good.
Please continue pray for us.


  1. Jaynee...GOD knows your story and your are giving us glimpses along the way......love your husband and family after the Lord and thank you for what you do share...May GOD give the strength and wisdom for the days ahead. With love, hugs and prayers from across the miles...Coralie

  2. Mrs. Lockwood, I have been reading and following your blog mostly about homeschooling. Thank you for sharing your testimony, and for glorifying God in your posts and through your life. All we, your readers, can offer you is our heartfelt and sincere support. I pray that God will be with You, that His word will be increasingly supernaturally realized in your and in the life of your family, that you will in this time find that Jesus is more than sufficient, that your cup will overflow and abound, that His grace will empower you and that His favour will shine upon you. More than anything, that you and all your family will have peace, knowing that your life is in His hands, that He knows the road ahead, that, all things will work out for the good of those who love Him for His eternal glory! May you find the victory in Jesus.

    Perhaps you may like the following song, Psalm 131:

    " Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul,
    Like a weaned child with his mother;
    Like a weaned child is my soul within me.

    O Israel, hope in the Lord
    From this time forth and forever.":


  3. Praying! Praying and praying! God KNOWS the end to your story and HE cares!!!! You are safe within the shelter of HIS everlasting arms.

  4. Praying for you Jaynee. You have already brought so much glory to God with your life.

  5. You can make it with the help of God! Still in our prayers and hearts!

  6. Praying with you Jaynee!


  7. Awe, Jaynee. My heart aches for you dear sister. Praying so much for you. You are so loved by many and you and your love for the Lord and the fact that you are leaning on Him during this time is glory to God. Take care, stay upon Jehova. Love you.

    Jessica Argon

  8. To God be the glory. Praying for you.

  9. ((((Jaynee))))
    Love Heather Smith's (the sewer) Mom
    My heart breaks for you. May the Lord give you healing grace as only He can.
    Hebrews 10:24

  10. hang in there... God loves and cares for you all! Keep on trusting as you strive to adjust to everythign so different and new. Life isnt easy, but never forget God is soooo Good!!!

    Heidi C.

  11. I am faithfully carrying you and your family in my prayers. ~Stephanie (Godwill's wife. ;) )

  12. I am SO sorry for this struggle for you, Jaynee! This reminds me of the valley of the shadow of death in Pilgrim's Progress--so incredibly hard, hopeless feeling, and depressing. But God is with you through the valley of the shadow of death (since I'm sure this feels like death to a part of your heart!). Do you have the dramatized audio version of of Pilgrim's Progress (Orion's Gate), both Christian and Christiana? It has been a huge blessing to me and my family.
    Love, Katie Johnson

  13. My heart breaks for you, Jaynee. I can't imagine the pain you must be experiencing. You will be in my prayers.

  14. (((Hugs)))

  15. http://www.blackcatpoems.com/b/god_knows.html

    This poem is a favorite of mine, and parts of it may bring comfort to you. I'm in no way implying that all that happened was His will, but that "God knows, not I, how sweet accord
    Shall grow at length from out this crash
    Of earthly discords which have jarred
    On soul and sense."

    May you have peace, Jaynee.

    With love and prayer,

    A Fellow Missionary Wife

  16. Dear Jaynee, Continuing to keep you and your family uplifted in prayer. I believe God gets glory as you continue to honor and seek Him when you are hurting...thinking of Job, and the 3 Hebrew boys before going into the fire, Daniel and the lion's den...just to name a few people in the bible who chose to love God and serve Him despite their circumstances. You are also doing this and encouraging many to desire the grace that shines through your posts which you receive from God's Word and your commitment to Him even during this very difficult season. Thank you again for being courageous and letting God heal your heart. You are loved and prayed for by many.

  17. I do believe God will deliver you from this circumstance. I also think you need to hear this is not your fault. You have been a faithful Christian, wife and mother. We, as humans, have free will. You do not choose for other people. Forgiving is what Christians do and you are trying to do that. For most of us, it takes some time. I am sure seeing your children's hurt is especially painful. Focus on your faith and family. You can get through this together. God bless you, Jaynee as I am sure he will.

  18. Yes to the above, anonymous comment. This is absolutely NOT your fault. You did not choose this for yourself or for your children. And yes, forgiveness takes a long time. We continue to pray for you and your family.

  19. You can only share your story when you are truly ready. Please don't force it. You will know when its time to tell your story. Forcing it will only make it worse. I know from experience. Focus on building a safe place for you and your children. Find a safe place in your mind to retreat to when you need comfort. God will always comfort you even when you are in your safe place. I find that I am better connected to God when my mind is in its safe place.

  20. Jaynee, I know that you are receiving tons of advice, some excellent & some... maybe not. To add to all the encouraging posts here, I just want to tell you what you already know. Do NOT feel obligated in any way to share anything with anyone unless you are completely comfortable doing so. People like details but we do not need them. This journey of yours right now is YOURS. Not anyone else's & especially not an online community. DO vent & let it out with one or two sisters that are completely trustworthy. Know one else needs details to just pass along & "share" so others can "pray". That is just gossiping. (my 2 cents)

    I do continue to pray for you & yours along with everyone else.

  21. Think about you often. Praying for you and your family.

    Samantha in PA

  22. Hello
    i wondered if some of your children would enjoy taking part at this online Summer Camp. (writing)


  23. Hey Jaynee!
    I have been praying for you so much lately. You have been on my heart. Praying for Gods comfort and peace in your life and your family's.

  24. Sometimes all we can do is treasure things in our hearts, and wait for words when their time comes. I am praying that you know in the depths of your being that the LORD is Immanuel--God with us, and that as waves of ____ (doubt? fear? uncertainty?) inevitably come, you find comfort in the quiet assurance that He has called you by name and declared you to be His precious daughter. I don't know the details of your situation, but it sounds so similar to my own, and I received such comfort from God's word and from the book Following Jesus by NT Wright. Lord, grant your servant, Jaynee, grace to follow you and know your boundless compassion and encouragement.

  25. Jaynee,

    Just want you to know that I come by your blog to check on you regularly. I'm thinking of you and praying for you. I hope you are okay, finding peace despite these oh-so-hard circumstances. You are a precious woman and God loves you so much!

  26. Checked on your family a few times lately, you are in my prayers.

  27. I just want you to know that I am still thinking of and praying for you. May you have peace, Jaynee!

  28. Jaynee,

    I've been thinking/praying for you guys. I hope things are looking up for you and that healing is happening. If you ever get to come to my neck-of-the-woods, let me know, I would love to have you over for coffee. {{{HUGS}} friend

  29. I am praying for you right now.

  30. Been thinking of you and am praying for you!

  31. I am continuing to pray for you and your family.

  32. Jaynee,

    Our family is still praying for yours.

    My daughter (10 year old) has written some letters to your daughters. Is it possible to mail them to you? I have sent an email to your old email address but don't know if you are still using it.


    Suzie Lewis


We always LOVE hearing from you! We enjoy getting to know our readers as well. Feel free to email us or comment here and introduce yourself if you haven't already. Have a wonderful day in the Lord! He is so good and faithful!