Welcome! Nuestra Casa Es Su Casa ...Our house is your house

A glimpse into the life of Daniel and Jaynee Lockwood and their 12 precious blessings. Thank you for visiting; we pray that what we share here may always bring glory to our wonderful God and Saviour. May you praise the Lord with us for the great things He has done and continues to do as we serve Him sharing the gospel here in the little town of Cuidad Insurgentes, BCS Mexico. He alone is good and faithful!

Thursday, April 01, 2010


Thank you so much for praying. The Lord promises to never leave nor forsake us, and how I felt His presence through the peace He always gives through times of trial or uncertainty.
I got home from the hospital late last night and felt so much better this morning than I did yesterday. I have very little pain and am taking a strong antibiotic for infection. I'm still running a bit of a fever, but it keeps breaking.
The group we had with us this past week returned home today. Daniel needed to take them down to the airport, and I was so thankful to be able to go along for the ride. Hna. Meche so sweetly offered to stay with the children, and it was a blessing to just rest in the car, be able to see the group off, and then have some alone time with Daniel after a very blessed yet busy week.
On our way back home, we were talking about how much we could see the Lord's hand through everything that had happened. While I had been having some problems for a while, they weren't overly alarming, and I had no idea I was expecting. Sunday night, more problems arrived. We decided that once the group was gone, I would go see a doctor. Again, we were not too worried. Tuesday night, Nehemiah got pretty sick and he's always had trouble with his breathing when he gets a cold. We were concerned and thought we would need to take him to see the doctor in the morning. Daniel decided that since we would be going into town to take Nehemiah in, we might as well have me checked at the same time. Before Nehemiah woke up that morning, Daniel and I prayed over him and by the time he woke up, he had no fever, his cough was much, much better, and he was running around like his typical self.
Since the ladies of the group had already offered to babysit the children, Daniel decided we would still take me in to see the doctor (and maybe sneak in a lunch date :) ).
By then, I had begun to run a fever. The doctor saw us right away and after giving us the news, we spent some time talking, praying, seeking counsel, and the Lord as He promises to those who ask, gave us the wisdom and guidance and peace in the decisions that needed to be made.
We had our last night of VBS that night. We had 74 children the first day, 123 the second, and 126 last night (I can't wait to give you all a report! :) ). I needed to get to the hospital by 7 pm; Daniel was still finishing up VBS, so Pastor Rich drove me to the hospital, prayed with me, and then stayed there until Daniel could come. As they wheeled me to the surgery room, I again, said Psalms 23 outloud. What was once a beautiful chapter I had memorized as a child has truly become the living Word to my heart in times like these.
While I was waiting for the doctor, I was in a room with another lady who had just had surgery. I began to talk with her and witness to her; she was very attentive, but we kept getting interrupted by the nurses needing to do things with my IV and ask me questions and such. By the time they had finished, the lady was asleep. I didn't know this until today, but while I was waking up from the anesthetic and Daniel was by my side, he was able to share the gospel for over a half hour with both her and her daughter who had come to visit. I was so happy to hear that Daniel was able to continue to talk with her without even knowing I had wanted to! God is so good! Again and again, He shows me that even through the difficulties and times we do not understand, He loves us and works all things together for good. How good we can trust Him! How thankful we are for His faithfulness!


  1. Glad you're home safely! We continue to pray for you.

    "I never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (Hebrews 13:5) is the verse that has been running through my head the last few days. I hope they will be an encouragement to you too!

    Love in Him,

  2. I'm so glad to hear you're ok...I was kind of worried!! How far along do they think you were? Do the doctors ever lecture you or Daniel againts having more children?
    It's interesting to see how your visit to the hospital had an impact on someone else who got to hear about the gospel....we truly do not know how God works...it is a mystery...a wonderful mystery!

  3. Hi Jaynee,
    Praying for complete healing for you. :)

    What a blessing Hna. Meche has been for you!

    Have a wonderful and blessed Easter,
    Love, Jillian ♥

  4. So thankful your home and recovering!!!

    I read a scripture back in Jan. and actually posted about it but this morning as I read your entry, the Lord brought it to my mind and wanted to share it with you. Its
    Colossians 1:25, Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God.

    The thought that the Lord gave me was "to me, for you." We sometimes are put in places (like the hospital) and its to me but its used for someone else. The lady you and Daniel were able to share with was there according to Providence and she got to hear the gospel.

    What a blessing the Lord gives you eyes to look beyond your present circumstances and see eternal opportunities. He is using you mightily!!!

    Love you all.....


  5. Im glad you are home and feeling better. Have a very blessed Easter!

  6. I am so glad you are doing better! Praise the Lord!! I will continue to pray for complete recovery and strength. Please, take good care of yourself...TRY not to do too much. :)

  7. You are an amazing young woman, and family. You truly are serving the Lord together in Mexico. Using every opportunity to share Him with those in need, laying aside your own needs. You are an inspiration to those of us who are struggling, but not giving up.

    Blessings to all of you!


  8. So glad you are well. God is SO good and faithful.


  9. Thankful you are home again in the arms of your family. Giving God thanks for getting you into the doctor when He did. Thanking God for your husband who is obedient to his calling and was able to witness to the women whos 'ground' you were able to prepare for the seeds of truth.
    You are such a blessing to so many. Many you have never met!
    Praying for a complete and quick healing of your body!

  10. Jaynee,

    Thank you for the update. It is good to hear how the Lord worked it all out. So glad to know you are doing better and got a little rest in while driving the team back to the airport.

    I pray the Lord will give you rest and healing.

    Hugs~ Cinnamon

  11. thanks for the update jaynee! you've been in my thoughts and prayers since yesterday! blessings today and a BLESSED RESURRECTION SUNDAY to you and your sweet family! we are continuing to pray for rest and healing for you ... HUGS!!!!!! :)
    misty in NC

  12. So glad you are better. We lost our first two children to miscarriage, and I required a D&C following the first miscarriage as I was 3 months along. I grieved my babies, as did my husband, but God gave us 3 beautiful children. I'm not able to read your blog every day, but I do play catch up about once a week. We pray for you all every night, though, knowing God knows your needs better than we do.

    God bless you all,

    PS I've been wondering. What does Hna. stand for?

  13. We were just able to check internet stuff today. Praying for you. May you know God's peace that surpasses all understanding! Love, the Andersons from Wyo.

  14. Oh Jaynee! I'm so sorry I'm just now seeing this! (My Madison told me about it. She loves your family, too!)

    I'm glad you are on the mend and so sorry for your loss.


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