Welcome! Nuestra Casa Es Su Casa ...Our house is your house

A glimpse into the life of Daniel and Jaynee Lockwood and their 12 precious blessings. Thank you for visiting; we pray that what we share here may always bring glory to our wonderful God and Saviour. May you praise the Lord with us for the great things He has done and continues to do as we serve Him sharing the gospel here in the little town of Cuidad Insurgentes, BCS Mexico. He alone is good and faithful!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thank you

I so enjoyed reading the comments from the last post. And know that while if I had the time I would love to respond to many of you, I do pray for those who share their burdens here. As one commenter shared from the Scriptures, "Weep with those who weep". The longer I live, the more my heart hurts with the hearts of others who are hurting.
Thank you for sharing with me what the Lord has been teaching you. I have often told Daniel that being in the ministry, you are often the one who is looked to for helping, encouraging, or guiding another. And how often I don't feel like I'm near worthy enough for the task. I would love to just "sit at the feet" of another and learn. But I love sharing with others what the Lord has done and continues to do in me. How loving, good, gracious, merciful and ever so faithful is our God.

This morning, we got up extra early and headed out to watch the Revolution Day Parade here. As we are on the verge of Thanksgiving, I always take the month of November to read stories and talk with our children about our American History and the providential hand of God in the lives of those men and women who founded our country. How it always excites me to read the true stories of those who sacrificed so much to begin a new nation...one founded on God's Word.
Mexico's history has always been sad to me in comparison to our American history. But I have 4 children that have been born here, a husband who is now a Mexican citizen himself, and 8 other children who know no other home and I am truly proud to be a part of this country as well.
Daniel and the boys are out working, the little ones are taking an early nap as we got up so early to watch the parade, Ben and Beka are working on school work they didn't finish yesterday and Abigail and I are cleaning, cooking and washing. Daniel, Uncle Samuel and Brother Carlos painted my laundry room and hooked up a sink in there for me...it's still not all back together, but I'll post pictures when they are done. Tonight we are having a sing at church. We plan on making a big bon fire in the back field, sharing lots of goodies and hot drinks, and bringing our hymnbooks and voices to lift up before the Lord under His stars. I wish you could all come join us.
Thank you again for sharing with me. Please do so anytime! Have a blessed day in our Lord.


  1. Thank you for sharing these pictures! The children in the parade are very cute - and it looks as if they spent a lot of effort in their outfits!

    Anna M.

  2. Our great and mighty God certainly is gracious, and we are not worthy of anything that He does for us.

    Our righteousness is as filthy rags.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  3. Elias immediately said, "Oh Nov. 20, that's a big day in Mexico." Just thought I'd let you know that we celebrated the day at IKEA buying a mirror for the living room. :)

  4. I love the Revolution Day pictures. My girls have been given some dresses (play ones) that look like their dresses. They love to twirl in them.

    We also make Cinnamon (Canela -my grandmother use to call me that) Tea but we add a slice of ginger to it too, yummmmy!!

    You are going to have to schedule a "Lockwood Tour" because if you go visit Amy, you'll have to come visit us, we're on the way to her house :-) and them I'm sure everyone else will want to see you too!

    You are such a blesssing to us~

    ~Hugs~ Cinnamon

  5. I thought it was sad to see the little boys with guns and bullets and the little girls dressed like women. We used to see this in the Philippines too. I often found such sadness underneath. I was wondering about Daniel being a Mexican citizen. As you know we are praying about moving to Central America and we heard of some missionaries becoming citizens does that mean he is a duel citizen of the US and MExico or did he have to give up his US citizenship.
    Thank you and thanks for keeping this blog going. I learn so much.

  6. Looks like fun! I take it that everyone is healthy again, sure hope so :) Just wondering...will y'all do a traditional American Thanksgiving meal on Thursday? If so do you invite some of the locals? My BIL and SIL do a traditional dinner where they live in China and invite some of their chinese friends to eat with them.

  7. It was just me checking back to see if you were able yo give an answer about the citizenhip question but I fully understand you being busy.



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