Welcome! Nuestra Casa Es Su Casa ...Our house is your house

A glimpse into the life of Daniel and Jaynee Lockwood and their 12 precious blessings. Thank you for visiting; we pray that what we share here may always bring glory to our wonderful God and Saviour. May you praise the Lord with us for the great things He has done and continues to do as we serve Him sharing the gospel here in the little town of Cuidad Insurgentes, BCS Mexico. He alone is good and faithful!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Christmas Box Reminder! :)

The first Christmas Shoe Boxes came in the mail this week! Just a reminder that there is just over 4 weeks left to send them. If you haven't heard about this opportunity to give a gift to a child here in our town, there is a link on our top side bar with all the specifics.


This is going to be an extra busy weekend, although a bit different than we expected with me having to stay in bed. Tomorrow, Daniel will be going down to La Paz (about 3 hours south) to pick up Brother Juan and his family. Brother Juan is Mexican missionary and dear friend of our family. He, his wife, and their little girl were in a serious bus accident 2 years ago which almost took his wife's life. Nineteen people died on the scene of the accident (8 on impact and 11 other while waiting for the ambulence which took almost 4 hours to arrive). They are such a sweet family who love the Lord and have a burden for their own people. Daniel invited Brother Juan up to spend time with our family and the brothers/sisters in Christ here and to preach in our church on Sunday.
Saturday we are having a worker's BBQ at our house which is a time for all those who work in our church to enjoy a time of fellowship together. I'm hoping to be feeling well enough to sit outside a bit and visit :) And then on Sunday we'll be having a church fellowship supper after evening service. Timothy assured me he'd save me a plate of my favorite foods :)
Thank you again for praying.


  1. Please take care of yourself and baby! I know well the tempatation to sometimes do to much! I pray that those visiting with spoil you and and serve your every need! God is so faithful. "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." Is 40:11

    Praying for you as you rest in Him!

  2. Thanks for keeping us updated. We've been praying for all of you and especially that new little one. I so enjoy your blog, reading about your family and seeing those smiling pictures! Your family is an amazing blessing to many (even in Ohio). I'm frequently challenged by your writings to be more joyful and grateful. So, thanks! As far as your very large (and beautiful family), you go girl. We just read in 1 Chron. this AM about how God gave Hemen 14sons & 3 daughters "to exalt him according to the word of God." Can't be any clearer than that. I'm a nurse and so have worked with many women over the last 22 years. I've never heard one say, "I wish I hadn't had that child." I have heard many lament that they didn't have more. I am thankful for our 5 but have wished the Lord would bless with more.
    Anyways, we will continue to thank the Lord for your family and pray for you. Like other posters, we would love to run over and cook and clean for you but will instead pray for your little workers. Take care and don't be tempted to overdo. (Nurses are notoriously bossy...) Susan

  3. Suggestion for your BBQ, if you can get your hands on one of those folding lawnchairs that is long and you lay out in the sun on, get it! I had to do my son's 3 birthday from bedrest, having that was a life saver. You are laying down, be it in a bit of a reclining postion, but its the same as having pillows propped behind you. Laying takes the strain off of everything, which is why bedrest is good, but is hard to miss all the fun stuff, and being able to get outside some really helps the bedrest blues.

  4. You are SUCH an AMAZING example and I am humbled and honored to be a part of your life through this blog. May God continue to richly bless you and your family. We are praying for you faithfully. You and your family are such an incredible blessing in my life. Thank you. Rest in Him.

    Continuing to lift you and you family up to our Father, with love,

    good night from South Florida

  5. Jaynee

    our box with 8 shoeboxes is on it's way! Mailed this afternoon from SoCal. The kids will write your kids soon- life has been busy recovering after my miscarriage. God hasn't changed-but the chores still did keep them busy the last few weeks- we will be in touch. Praying for you and the baby. STAY on bedrest- I didn't... felt I couldn't, ya know? And well... relax. As long as you have a hubby and kids that can and do maintain- let them do it.


  6. Our box with four shoe boxes will be shipped this coming week. It's all taped up and ready to go!
    We will be praying for you and your family. God knows and is able!
    Becky in TN

  7. I just shipped a box with three shoeboxes today, and I have three more shoeboxes ready to go, I just have to get a box to ship them in.


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